Tank Liners: Selection and Maintenance

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Above ground storage tanks are vital for numerous industries, providing an efficient and reliable means to store a variety of resources, ranging from water to chemicals and petrochemicals. To ensure the safety, longevity, and performance of these storage facilities, it is essential to select and maintain suitable tank liners that can prevent leaks, corrosion, and contamination. Tank liners act as a protective barrier between the tank’s interior and the stored contents and are indispensable for preserving the tank’s structural integrity and the quality of its contents.

In this informative blog post, we will delve into the critical factors to keep in mind when selecting the appropriate tank liner, taking into consideration the specific storage requirements, environmental conditions, and compatibility with the stored substances. Proper tank liner selection is crucial to minimising the risk of leaks, corrosion, and other potential issues that could compromise the safety and performance of your storage tank.

Factors to Consider When Selecting Tank Liners

To ensure that your storage tank remains secure and functions optimally, selecting the appropriate tank liner material is paramount. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a tank liner:

1. Compatibility with Stored Substances: Tank liners must be chemically compatible with the materials they will be in contact with to prevent degradation, contamination, or reactions that may compromise the tank’s integrity.

2. Environmental Conditions: Temperature, humidity, and sunlight exposure can all affect the performance and lifespan of a tank liner. When selecting a liner material, consider the environmental conditions the tank will be exposed to ensure its resilience and durability.

3. Tank Size and Shape: The chosen liner material should be capable of conforming to the tank’s dimensions and contours to ensure a proper fit without causing undue stress or damage to the liner.

4. Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that the selected tank liner meets the relevant industry standards and regulations for your specific application, to uphold compliance and maintain safety.

Essential Tank Liner Maintenance Practices

Maintaining your tank liner is critical in ensuring its longevity, performance, and safety. Here are some crucial maintenance practices:

1. Regular Inspections: Conduct periodic visual inspections of the liner for signs of wear, damage, or degradation. Keep an eye out for cracks, tears, or seam separation that may indicate a potential leak or risk of failure.

2. Cleaning and Decontaminating: To maintain the integrity of your tank liner and prevent contamination, clean and decontaminate the liner regularly, adhering to the manufacturer’s guidelines.

3. Leak Detection: Employ routine leak detection methods, such as ultrasound or pressure testing, to identify early signs of liner failure and address potential issues promptly.

4. Timely Liner Repairs and Replacement: Should your liner exhibit damage or signs of wear, repair or replace it as needed to maintain the tank’s integrity and ensure continued storage safety.

The Benefits of Partnering with ATM Tanks for Your Tank Liner Needs

Collaborating with a professional tank service provider like ATM Tanks brings numerous advantages to your storage solution endeavours:

1. Expert Consultation: ATM Tanks can offer valuable guidance on tank liner selection, installation, and maintenance, ensuring your storage tanks remain safe, reliable, and conform to industry standards.

2. High-Quality Tank Liners: ATM Tanks supplies top-quality tank liners in a variety of materials, tailored to suit your specific storage requirements and environmental conditions.

3. Comprehensive Maintenance Services: ATM Tanks provides a range of maintenance services, from inspection and cleaning to repairs and replacements, to ensure your tank liners remain in optimal condition throughout their lifespan.

4. Customised Solutions: Every storage tank is unique, and ATM Tanks understands the need for tailored solutions in tank liner selection, installation, and maintenance. Their expertise allows for customised services that cater to your specific needs and concerns.

Long-Term Benefits of Proper Tank Liner Selection and Maintenance

Investing time and effort into selecting and maintaining the appropriate tank liners for your storage tanks yields several long-term benefits:

1. Enhanced Safety: A well-maintained tank liner minimises the risk of leaks and contamination, ensuring the safety of both personnel and the environment.

2. Extended Tank Life: By protecting the tank’s interior from corrosion and chemical reactions, a suitable tank liner can extend the overall lifespan of your storage tank.

3. Cost Savings: The implementation of proper liner selection and maintenance practices can prevent costly leaks, repairs, and environmental remediation, saving you money in the long run.

4. Peace of Mind: Knowing that your storage tank is secure, leak-free, and well-maintained allows you to focus on your core business operations confidently.


The selection and maintenance of appropriate tank liners play a vital role in ensuring the safety, performance, and longevity of your above ground storage tanks. By considering factors such as compatibility with stored substances and environmental conditions, you can choose the ideal tank liner material for your specific application. 

Partnering with a professional tank service provider like ATM Tanks for selection, installation, and maintenance of tank liners, will ensure the ongoing safety and reliability of your storage solutions. By dedicating time and resources toward proper tank liner selection and upkeep, you can secure the long-term benefits and peace of mind that come with a well-preserved and leak-free storage facility. Get in touch with us today!

Aaron James
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About The Author

Aaron James
Aaron has been working at ATM Tanks for the past 5 years. He has completed a wide range of projects across Australia including new tank builds, cleaning and servicing existing tanks and countless tank inspections. However he has excelled recently at project management for ATM Tanks.

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